Beginning in 2024, for the next two years, The regional days are specifically being targeted for Leaders and their teams. Every region will be covering the same topics over the course of four regional days each year. Each course subject will delivered by leaders with recognised gifting and expertise in the given subject. The pathway will equip Leaders to develop a culture of Mission, and mobilise church members into a missional lifestyle. Full details here.

The four topics for 2024 are:

  1. What is Church? The Theology of Church as a Missional Movement
  • Overview: Examining the foundational elements of the church as a missional community, drawing inspiration from Jesus and his apostles. Shaping new perspectives for church leaders and teams to empower them in the transitioning of the local church into a missional movement.

2. How Jesus and His Apostles Did Mission – Part 1

  • Session Overview: Understanding Jesus’ model of mission and how it translates into individual and collective actions within the local church body.

3. Following Jesus: How He Did His Mission – Part 2

  • Session Overview: Delving into the supernatural aspects of Jesus’ mission, exploring topics such as Kingdom revelation, healing, and prophecy.

4. Jesus Shaped Church!

  • Session Overview: Focusing on cultural relevance in mission communities and churches. Addressing the creation of culturally relevant Sunday meetings, effective church visibility, public perception.

The next set of meetings for each region are below.

For further details, please visit the events page here