Over 2024 & 2025, The regional days are specifically being targeted for Leaders and their teams. Every region will be covering the same topics over the course of four regional days each year. Each course subject will delivered by leaders with recognised gifting and expertise in the given subject. The pathway will equip Leaders to develop a culture of Mission, and mobilise church members into a missional lifestyle. Full details below for 2025:

Session 1: Guest Speaker

We are pleased to announce that the first session of the year will be a special guest speaker: Roger Elis, from 24-7 Prayer. He will be speaking into the Missional Pathways across the nation. More info about Roger can be found here.

2. Creating a strategy that works

  • Overview: Strategy, what makes an effective church? Consistent Factors that help growth – Planning, vision, strategy and culture. What factors help and contribute to church growth? 

3. Discipleship in a Missional Church context                         

  • Overview: Discipleship in the context of mission, discipleship in a Missional church. Discipling the next generation.

4. Creating and maintaining a Missional culture & Pioneering new churches.

  • Overview: How do we as leaders create and maintain the culture. Emphasis in this session on Leadership and our teams setting and maintaining the culture and what does that look like in our churches? Leading a Missional Church. Reproducing themselves as churches, new model, Jerusalem and Antioch style, all around the Missional church model. Taking the land of Wales. Multiplication and releasing.

The dates for the next set of meetings for each region are below.

For further details, please visit the events page here