To cultivate prophetic ministries and commonplace expression of the gift of prophecy in churches throughout Wales.
How can this team serve you.
- The team offer the opportunity for church leadership teams and leaders to be blessed by the provision of prophetic ministry to them, normally via zoom.
- Helping church leaders to identify those with prophetic ministries in their churches across Wales
- The Forum seeks to develop, equip and train teams that can be taken out to minister prophetically at events/in churches (within and beyond our NWC networks). These teams model the responsible, “naturally supernatural” exercise of prophetic gifts and ministry.
Those on the Forum team are part of a church community and recognised by their church leadership in their prophetic gift.
To find out more and request a zoom for your church, download the guidelines here
The Prophetic Forum ministry is headed up by Stuart Watkins

Values of the Forum team
1: Honouring of God
•Christ Centered, Prophetic ministry should reveal Jesus, point to Jesus, and will empower people to grow more like Christ (Eph 4:13b)
•Empowered by the Spirit, We believe the source of prophecy is a Person—the Holy Spirit, who makes known to us the mind, heart and intent of God
•Based on intimacy with God, Intimacy with God allows us to know God’s heart and to learn to hear His voice.
•Biblically grounded, We place a high value on Biblical integrity, believing all Scripture to be inspired by God and our authority in every aspect of prophetic ministry (2 Tim 3:16)
2: Honouring of the Mission
•Kingdom focused and kingdom expansion, Having a Kingdom mind-set will result in us taking the prophetic through the church into the marketplace and beyond, into every community, region and nation
•Building & Embracing Church Community and everyone in it, According to the Apostle Paul, the purpose of prophecy in the church is to ‘edify (build) the church’ (1 Cor 14:3-4)
3: Honouring of Leadership
•Respecting and Accountability and submitting to leadership, We believe the prophetic needs to be submitted and accountable to Church leadership, working with and encouraging leaders
•Being Humble, to have all words given weighed & tested. ‘Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.’1 Thess 5:19-22
4: Honouring of People
•Honouring and respecting the dignity of people, The one receiving the word needs to be shown the love of God at all times. So that they will feel encouraged and strengthened by receiving the word.
•Integrity, We believe that Godly character is necessary in Christian leadership (Titus 1:5-9) and of vital importance in prophetic ministry, that it is transparent and honest at all times.
•Naturally Supernatural, no hype, We believe that God gave gifts to the church to be used to build and to bring Glory to His name. Our desire is to see prophetic gifts used in every day life.
•Gift of Prophecy is for everybody Paul’s desire was similar to that of Moses that all would prophesy. ( 1Cor 14:5)
•Team rather than just the individual Our desire is to see prophetic teams serving the Churches around Wales and encouraging us to pursue more of God.