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Kingdom Intensive

October 1, 2013 - October 3, 2013

Bruce Collins is running a Kingdom Intensive for Welsh Leaders.
These events are called Kingdom Intensives and have so far proved extremely popular among church leaders in England, Scotland and Ireland, Sweden, the USA, South Africa and New Zealand.These have also held throughout Wales.
Invitations to these events are usually restricted to no more than 20 leaders, including their spouses where they are free to attend.
They are called “Intensives” because they are just that! Their overall aim is to lay a solid biblical foundation for believing why we the church not only can preach the gospel in exactly the same way as Jesus did, but are called and commanded by Him to do so.

Topics covered include –

• The gospel as Jesus preached and demonstrated it.
• Why and how we can proclaim the gospel as Jesus did.
• How we can release our people to do this.
• How we grow in spiritual authority.
• The importance of faith, the impact of doubt, and how we can grow in faith to see the kingdom come with power.
• The importance of the faith environment around us and how we can “manage” it as Jesus did.

In addition to the teaching, the intensives include intimate worship, time for questions and discussion, and considerable personal ministry, including personal prophetic ministry to each person attending it.
Those who have attended an intensive regularly comment that they have really valued the opportunity to look at these issues in an integrated biblical way, and many have reported significant progress in their churches’ gospel ministry as a result.

New Wine Cymru subsidises these events, so attendance at this Kingdom Intensive will cost only £ 50, which includes lunch and an evening meal. For those needing accommodation, we hope to provide this through families in Cardiff Churches in our SE network.

These Intensives lay really important foundations for what NWC is longing to see the Lord do across Wales in these times.

If you wish to join us and be part of this intensive, please could you email Jez Fage at jezfage@newwinecymru.co.uk


October 1, 2013
October 3, 2013
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Jez Fage
01792 516335
View Organiser Website


The Gate
Cardiff, United Kingdom